photographed by McRey


Monday, January 21, 2008

By Kristina Ysabel P. Nacorda
III - St. John the Baptist
Every school in our country has the motivation for the students to possess and manifest proper discipline. Wikipedia states that discipline refers to systematic instructions given to a disciple, just like the school connoting rules to students.

The school administration and faculty has been doing their part well in attaining their objectives for the students. But, why can’t we, students, submit to the simple rules and regulations they give us? Wearing SJA socks to school, being in school before the bell rings, and leaving the school premises before 5:30 pm, all these are examples of rules that can just be taken as simple reminders that are easy to follow and are not vexing at all. However, students still fail to heed them. If those simple reminders are already difficult for us to obey, how will we be able to comply with more complex instructions? Like, not engaging in too much public display of affection, no cheating, no forging of signatures in any school documents, no littering, no bringing of cell phone, avoiding truancy, etc. We are all familiar with what will happen to us if we’ll oppose any of the said rules. We might be suspended for three days, we might get 70% in our conduct grade, or worst of all, we might be expelled. Moreover, if we will be expelled, we’ll have a hard time finding ourselves a replacement school. So, while we still have the chance to better ourselves, we must learn to abide by the instructions or rules our school implies upon us. We shouldn’t violate them, for doing so will not prove that we are powerful, it’ll just show how immoral and disrespectful we’ve become.

Following the school’s rules and regulations won’t show how much we lack freedom, it is actually a test of how we can discipline and control ourselves, it is a challenge of how well we can follow boundaries and how well we can embody the virtues of our patron saint. Most importantly, it is a sort of head start to all bigger rules there will be in real life, for whatever we are now is what we’ll be in the future. So the next time you ask the question, who needs discipline, you’ll definitely know the answer… everyone does!

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